Schoenstatt Family of North Texas

The latest news on what's happening at Schoenstatt.

A Morning of Reflection for Mothers: February 1st



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Congratulations Elijah Thomson!

We want to congratulate Elijiah Thomson for sealing the Covenant of love on November 8th, 2019.  We are so excited for him! 
Our prayers continue for you dear Elijiah. 
We also want to give thanks to Fr Cristobal Asenjo for the beautiful mass he did for Elijiah and all the help he offered him. 
We are so thankful to our Mother and Queen for choosing such a wonderful instrument.  We can’t wait to see all that you and Bl Mother will do together. Way to go Elijiah! You are in our prayers! 
The Schoensatt Family of North Texas supports you with our prayers and Capital of Grace. 




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Save the Date! November 17th Schoensttatt North Texas October Day.




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Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary at St. Gabriel the Archangel in McKinney

On October 7th, 2019 at St Gabriel the Archangel in Mckinney, about 70 people got together to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  We prayed the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous and Glorious Mysteries of the Heavenwards Rosary. We ended the celebration with songs and a candlelight procession outside the church.  

Many people commented that it was a night of miracles and how they could feel the presence of our dear Mother Mary.  We could feel we were a family praying together. Wherever she is she gives us the feeling of family and home.  What a powerful night! We also prayed in multiple languages, Portuguese, Spanish and English.  Next year we will add more languages. 

We give thanks for all the faithful who showed up to celebrate this holy feast with great faith, love and joy.  


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60th Anniversary Of the Confidentia Shrine

On October 19, 2019 a group of 44 Pilgrims traveled to Lamar by bus to celebrate the 60th Anniversary Of the Confidentia Shrine.  This is the first Schoensatt bus pilgrimage to travel from North Texas to Lamar ever.  
It was amazing to see how it all came into place.  In the beginning it was only a dream, it took much perseverance and determination to make it happen.  
Bl Mother really wanted this to happen and she provided for us in every way.  It was a lesson on Confidence to trust everyday that the pilgrims would come and that little by little the money would also come $100 a time.  

There were so many miracles that we would have to make a book to describe each one. The other interesting thing was that the majority were all new people who had never been there. Many from St Michael Church in Mckinney.  It was a beautiful pilgrimage. 

We want to thank the many people who made donations and made this trip possible. 
It was organized by Laura Schuckenbrock with the help of Rose Tran. 
We especially want to thank our dear Mother Thrice Admirable who occupied the first seat on the bus and made all this possible.  She took perfect care of every detail. 

I also want to thank dear Father Kentenich, Joseph Engling and Sister Emilie for their heavenly help and intercession. 

Thank you also to Coachways who got us there safe and sound. 

Maybe we can keep it going now every year and this was the first annual pilgrimage to Lamar.


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“Commissioning/Recommissioning of Missionaries at Our Lady of Schoenstatt Wayside Shrine, Grapevine, TX September 14, 2019”

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“First Annual Fort Worth Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign Pilgrimage Day October 19, 2019”



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Let's Go See Blessed Mother! HURRY!!


Click here for the Oct 19 Flyer

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All Schoensatters are invited to the dedication of a daughter Schoensatt Shrine in Santa Cruz, Bolivia!

We want to give thanks to Bl Mother for the new and upcoming daughter shrine in Bolivia. 

On July 17, 2019.  Erika Franco de Farah gather for lunch with Laura Schuckenbrock and Martha Baldwin.  After lunch they went to the wayside shrine at All Saints.  


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Erika was visiting her daughter who lives in Dallas.  She is from Schoensatt in Bolivia. 
She wants to invite all Schoensatters to the dedication of a daughter Schoensatt Shrine in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. When? May 2nd 2020.
Get your passport
and visa ready. Bl Mother wants to take you to Santa Cruz de la Sierra en Bolivia. See the invitation below.     



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Monday Schoenstatt Rosary at St. Gabriel's.

On July 8th, 2019 the anniversary of our father and founder's birth into eternity we started the Monday Schoenstatt Rosary at St Gabriel at 10:00 AM.  All are invited. We open up with a song, reflection from the 5 covenant books, prayer, petitions from all who participate and finish with the Heavenward Rosary.  Come join us before noon mass in the Chapel every Monday.  110 St Gabriel Way Mckinney, Texas. 
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We would like to thank our dear Mother Thrice Admirable for calling Jim Moore to help us water her garden at the Schoenstatt Annunciation Shrine at St Gabriel.  Thank you Jim and the many mothers from St Gabriel for making sure the little garden will be well taken care of.  
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Schoenstatt May Crowning at St. Mark's on May 18, 2019

Father Raimundo Costa, Sr Heidi Infante and Sr Mara were present, as well as about 80 Schoenstatters. 
 Father Raimundo and some of his couples groups. 
Sr Heidi and the mothers from the Schoenstatt Mothers Branch of North Texas who were able to attend the May Crowning. 
Here we have Father Raimundo (Moderator for the Couples Branch), Sr M. Mara,( Moderator of the Girls Youth Branch) and Sr M. Heidi Infante (Moderator of the Mothers Branch in North Texas)  Pictures were taken by Laura Schuckenbrock at the May Crowning.
Here is the cake donated by Bea Romo. Thank you Bea! It was delicious! 
Fellowship after the May Crowning with lots of food to celebrate the beautiful event.
We give thanks for Veronica Knipe who is a member of the mothers branch and helps with all decorations.  She always makes the place look beautiful!
Sr M. Heidi Infante did a beautiful job with her musical talent.
Patricia Bowlin carried the Confidentia Shrine picture in the offertory procession in thanksgiving for our shrine and the sixty year anniversary that we will celebrate this coming October.
Graciela Brock, Bea Romo and Patricia in the offertory procession.
Sr M. Heidi Infante did a beautiful job with her musical talent.
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Sr. Heidi and some of our mothers.

This is picture represents some of the mothers in the mothers branch of North Texas with our moderator, Sr M. Heidi Infante.



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May Crowning Pictures from St. Mark's

These pictures are from St Mark’s May Crowning on May 4th.  Patricia Bowlin had the honor of Crowning Blessed Mother. The Schoensatt mothers from St Mark’s asked her if she would do it in thanksgiving for her service and dedication to their group. 

See Fr Jovita in the pictures and the many parishioners who participated in the event. 

We give thanks for all the graces that we received.  




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Pictures from the beautiful May Crowning at St Gabriel the Archangel in McKinney

This has been a jubilee gift from 2014 from our mother and Queen at St Gabriel.  Our dear Fr Don has been doing at faithfully and commissioning missionaries of the Rosary Campaign for now six years.  He does everything with so much love and joy.  This year because of a conflict he had he asked Fr Martin Castaneda from St Ann’s to do the mass and our Schoenstatt May Crowning.  
We had a beautiful holy mass and the whole parish was invited to celebrate.  After that we processed to the Annunciation Statue did our PRAYERS and Crowning and finish at the Schoensatt Wayside Shrine Of the Annunciation.   Father let us put our MTA picture inside for holy mass and asked us to crown the brand new statute outside.  It was suppose to be raining with big storms but we ask St Joseph to help us with the weather and it didn’t rain.  The whole parish enjoyed the event.  Little Elizabeth crowned Bl Mother, “ Queen of St Gabriel the Archangel.”

We had coffee and refreshments afterwards at St Marys room and a brief talk on Schoensatt spirituality.  It was a heavenly day for the whole parish.  Our Bl Mother of Schoensatt was very happy to have all her children gather around her. Thank you Father Don and Fr Martin for giving your yes to Bl Mother. 


View Photos here:



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You are Invited! to the May Crowning. Wednesday, May 1st.


Click here for Invitation

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50th Annual Schoenstatt Boys Walk: July 13-14, 2019

More information can be found in the link below:



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ADVENT 2018 AT St. Gabriel - Video


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All Saints Mothers Group Welcomes New Leader

All Saints Mothers Group welcomes new leader, Belsie Pinero. We are deeply thankful to Patricia Bowlin for the many years of leadership. Patricia is moving to Seattle in May and will be greatly missed! 



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Walk of the Incarnation and "Baskets for Mary"



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Save the Date: May Crowning!




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“Take this picture of the Blessed Mother and give it a place of honor in your home. Then your home will become a little shrine in which the picture of grace will mediate many graces, create a holy family atmosphere, and form holy family members.”

-Father Joseph Kentenich,
Founder of Schoenstatt
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