Schoenstatt Family of North Texas

The latest news on what's happening at Schoenstatt.

2022 May Crowning on May 14, 2022

Crowning of Mary

On May 14, 2022 about 150 people gathered, at St Gabriel the Archangel in McKinney, to celebrate the Schoenstatt Family of North Texas May Crowning.

Among us were Father Pushpa Antonysamy, a Schoenstatt Father from Austin and moderator of the Family Branch.

We also had Sister Danielle Peters, a Schoenstatt Sister of Mary. She is the moderator of the Couples in Keller, TX.

Schoenstatt Sister of Mary, Heidi Infante, moderator of the Mothers Branch.

Much joy and light filled the atmosphere. Blessed Mother’s presence was very much felt in the form of peace and joy.

Father Pushpa helped with confessions at the parish, celebrated holy mass and the May Crowning for us.

How wonderful it is to celebrate as one Schoenstatt Family of North Texas.

Don’t forget to join us next year! We all received so many graces. We give thanks to our Lord, and our dear Mother Thrice Admirable Queen & Victress of Schoenstatt, for a beautiful and heavenly day. 

The couple who crowned Blessed Mother were the parents of Elijiah Thomson, a seminarian who sealed the covenant of love in Schoenstatt, and got ordained in June 2022.

Excerpt from Heavenwards.

Prayer composed by Father Kentenich in Dachau.

Do you know the land imbued with joy because the sun never sets there: where in possession of the eternal goods all hearts abide in tranquility; where heart and will are continually refreshed in the overflowing richness of God’s gifts; where love’s magic wand swiftly transforms all gloom into joy? This wonderland is known to me–  It is the meadow radiantly lit by Tabor’s sun, where our Three times Admirable Lady reigns in the midst of her favorite children, loyally rewarding each gift of love with the manifestation of her glory and immeasurably abundant fruitfulness: It is my home, my Schoenstatt Land!

Do you know the land, the City of God, which the Lord has established for himself: where truthfulness governs and truth reigns and is triumphant; where deeds and omissions are measured according to the holy norms of justice; where love unites heart and mind and our Lord and Master holds the scepter? This wonderland is known to me–  It is the meadow radiantly lit by Tabor’s sun, where our Three times Admirable Lady reigns in the midst of her favorite children, loyally rewarding each gift of love with the manifestation of her glory and immeasurably abundant fruitfulness: It is my home, my Schoenstatt Land!

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Couple's Morning of Reflection

Couple's Morning of Reflection




Building a Covenant of Love in our Marriage and the Domestic Church in the modern world

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, 2016 Willis Lane, Keller, TX  76248

9:00am - 12:30pm

09:00am - 09:30am Holy Mass

09:30am - 10:30am Breakfast and opening Prayer / Talk #1

10:30am - 11:00am Personal time as a couple / guided reflection time

11:00am - 11:30am Talk #2

11:30am - 12:00pm personal Reflection Time / Adoration

12:00pm - 12:30pm Collect children from childcare / Family closing prayer and Marriage Strengthening Blessing / Sending forth

This event is sponsored by Mary's Apostolic Family, and the Schoenstatt Family of North Texas

Childcare available 9:30am -12:00, space limited

RSVP please call 817-488-0699 or email

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Announcement for Christ Child Event--Mother's Branch of North Texas



Speaker: Schoenstatt Sister of Mary,
Sister Heidi from the Schoenstatt Shrine of Confidence in Lamar, Texas.

When: November 17, 2016
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Where: St Gabriel Schoenstatt Shrine of the Annunciation
St Mary's Room

Join us for a beautiful night of songs, prayers and meditation. RSVP to or call 214-726-5441

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Structure and Organization of the Schoenstatt Movement

1.         Introduction

The diocesan committee is part of the Schoenstatt Movement, it is the body that coordinates the branches of the Movement in a diocese or region; thus, to review the structure and the organization of Schoenstatt allows us to renew and remind us of the work that we do and in this way clarify our roles. It also allows us to clarify doubts and analyze situations.

The goal is that in the light of the organization and structure of Schoenstatt we may look back at our own actions and see what successes and failures we have experienced in the coordination or leadership that we exercise. For this reason we want to see what are our functions and responsibilities in the context of the organization of Schoenstatt.

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Estructura y organización de la Obra de Schoenstatt

1.    Introducción

La coordinación diocesana o zonal es parte de la organización de Schoenstatt, es el gremio que coordina a las ramas del Movimiento en una diócesis o zona, por lo mismo, el recordar y repasar la estructura y la organización de Schoenstatt nos permite renovarnos y recordarnos sobre la tarea que cumplimos y de esta manera clarificar nuestro rol, también permite despejar dudas y analizar situaciones.

La intención es que a la luz de la organización y de la estructura de Schoenstatt podamos hacer un repaso de nuestra actuación y ver qué logros y dificultades se han experimentado en la coordinación que estamos realizando, por esto mismo queremos ver cuáles son nuestras funciones en el contexto de la organización de Schoenstatt y nuestras atribuciones.

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Missionaries of Mary, Building Covenant Culture


This motto wants to be a pedagogical aid that will remind us what our mission is for this particular year. We are encouraged to use the motto at every branch or Movement activity; it is part of the work we do.


In coming up with the motto, we first considered the gift of missionary spirit from the document, Schoenstatt on the Move, which served as an impulse to put us on the right track. This missionary zeal developed from our motto from the last two years, “With Mary we go, a new Pentecost for our times.” After this Pentecost we experienced the desire to go out. Our leaders were on fire for the gift of our mission and we spread this zeal amongst ourselves and embraced our spirituality and love for the Blessed Mother. Now, however, we wanted to define a more specific goal for our Schoenstatt branches, for our dioceses, and in the peripheries of the society we inhabit. We derived inspirations from the address that the Holy Father gave to the Schoenstatt Family in Rome, and the sending out address from Father Heinrich Walter at the Jubilee Celebration in Germany. These discussions and both addresses heavily centered on creating a Culture of Encounter by forming authentic attachments, strengthening our solidarity, and striving for sanctity through the Covenant of Love with our Blessed Mother. From the discussions at the Delegates’ Convention, the leaders narrowed it down to four themes: spirituality, unity, mission and culture of encounter.

These themes generated a direction for our motto. The leaders immediately recognized a deep need to go from our cenacle (A New Pentecost for our Times) and be missionaries for the renewal of our culture. We spoke at length about the emptiness of our culture, the deterioration of the family, the loneliness and the yearning for God in our society. At the onset, the leaders came to a consensus on the words “renewal”, “missionary”, and “covenant culture”. We realized that these words contained the spirit of the answer we were searching for.  These words point to a fact: Schoenstatt serves to renew the Church and the world as missionaries by creating covenant culture. Like a family, we shared our perspectives, spent some time in prayer to the Holy Spirit, and engaged in some lively creative tensions. We were certain, however, that we did not want to come up with a passive motto. We wanted a motto that would create momentum, challenge us, but also be authentic and specific to what we want to accomplish.  What was the end goal? To change our culture and renew our Church. And we knew that we could not do this alone—we remembered, “With Mary we Go.” She is the great missionary. We also wanted to strive to be “missionary-saints” and our style of sanctity clearly has a name: Mary.

The last struggle centered on the image of how to create covenant culture. We wanted something powerful yet relatable, specific and actionable. We considered words such as “forging”, “spreading”, “forming”, “shaping”, “living” and we finally came to the consensus that the word, “building” best described our mission. The action of building requires intensive effort and unified commitment. In this we also saw our efforts to build upon Father Kentenich’s legacy and the Shrine, the Blessed Mother’s workshop. After all the discussions, talks, and inspirations, we were honored to work together to unveil the motto that both identifies and motivates our life stream for the coming year: Missionaries of Mary, Building Covenant Culture.


At the Confidentia Shrine in Lamar, October 9, 2016

During the Marian Jubilee of Mercy


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Save the Date: October Day of Schoenstatt North Texas


9AM-12PM St. Anns Room 330 - 180 Samuel Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019

9am - 9:30am: Fruit, Beverages & Pastries

9:20am - 10:10am: Presentation by Sister Heidi

10:20am - 11am: Presentation by Father Patricio

11am - 11:30am: Kick off of N. Texas Shrine Striving

11:30am - 12pm: Closing Ceremony at "Streams of Love" Wayside Shrine

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Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's Parish in Coppell- 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's Parish in Coppell- 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

The Schoenstatt Mothers of St. Ann's hosted a celebration marking the 10 year anniversary of the "Streams of Love" Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's. Members from the Mothers' and Family Branch and St. Ann's Parish came together for devotion, song and blessing. The devotion was led by Father Francisco Orozco from St. Ann's and Patricia Bowlin from the Mothers' Branch.

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Mother's Branch Event - Come Celebrate Blessed Mother's Birthday

Join Us Friday, September 16 at 7:00 PM



Our Celebration will include crowning Blessed Mother as Queen Mother of Merciful Hearts!  Please bring your bag of hearts, with name on each one, along with any donations you may have collected. All the people whose names are written in the hearts will be remembered in the Confidentia Shrine in Lamar. On this evening, we will present the gift of hearts and donations to Blessed Mother...a Birthday gift from the Mothers for the building of a future Shrine in North Texas.  Ask your Leader if you need more hearts!   Hope you can join us!

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10 Year Anniversary Celebration at St. Ann's

Join Us September 18th

You are invited to celebrate with us this anniversary of joy and thanksgiving for our Mother Thrice Admirable of Schoenstatt.  She has blessed our St. Ann Parishioners with her 3 Pilgrimage Graces for the last 10 years from her Wayside Shrine. We invite you to join us at 12 Noon Holy Mass.  Celebration will immediately follow.

We will have prayer, song, and renewal of the Covenant of Love and a special blessing of the Shrine.  Sweet refreshments will be served by the Schoenstatt Mothers.  Festivities will be held at the Wayside Shrine by the picnic tables.  May our Blessed Mother’s presence in the little Shrine be a continuous blessing for all.


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June Schoenstatt Couple's Meeting


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May Blossoms for Mary at St Ann's Wayside Shrine

May Blossoms for Mary at St Ann's Wayside Shrine

The Schoenstatt Mothers at St Ann's wanted to offer May Blossoms to our Blessed Mother during her special month. Mary will have many visitors throughout the month and the Mothers wanted to surround the Wayside Shrine with a garden of flowers as expressions of love from her children. Working with Nick Bassi and the Knights of Columbus, the soil around the Wayside Shrine was tilled and a variety of hearty Texas flowers were planted for Mary. Roses, jasmine, begonias, marigolds and vincas each one symbolizing a little gift to our Mother, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May!



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Garden at Wayside Shrine at St Gabriel the Archangel

Article written by Laura Schuckenbroc, Mothers Branch leader at St. Gabriel the Archangel

b2ap3_thumbnail_Image-1-2.jpgI was sitting with Blessed Mother by Her little Wayside shrine of the Annunciation at St Gabriel, one morning after daily mass and rosary in March.  I looked at Her and said: "Blessed Mother, we love you so much and this little garden does not reflect all the love we have for you here at St Gabriel."  What would you like dear Mother, inspire me, and I will do it. Dear Father and Founder, you were always good at knowing God's wishes and doing God's will, please pray that we can give our Mother here in this little shrine a beautiful garden.  Tell me how to go about.

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Save The Date! May Crowning at St. Francis on May 21st

Save The Date! May Crowning at St. Francis on May 21st

PLACE:  ST. FRANCIS IN GRAPEVINE, 861 Wildwood Lane, Grapevine, Texas 76051


The Schoenstatt Mothers’ Branch of North Texas invites all the Schoenstatt Branches and members of the St. Francis Parish to join us for a morning honoring our Blessed Mother in her special month of May!

We look forward to coming together as a North Texas Schoenstatt. Family in community, prayer, song, and celebration

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Save The Date! Marian Movie Night on May 7th

Save The Date! Marian Movie Night on May 7th

Saturday evening, May 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Cenacle at St. Ann in Coppell

The International Schoenstatt Movement celebrated 100 years of our Founding in 2014. To commemorate this great Jubilee, a special film was produced to share the Schoenstatt spirituality and introduce more people to our Lady of Schoenstatt. The movie presents an inspiring message of heroic love and the secret to this heroism. We invite you to bring your Family and friends for a special viewing of  "Seed Of A New World" on Saturday evening, May 7th at 7:00 pm in the St. Ann's Assembly Room.  Admission is free!

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Calendar of Events at Lamar


  • 4 – 6 Workshop for Mothers (Spanish)
  • 13 Coordinators' Pilgrimage SRC
  • 14-16 Girls' Youth Retreat
  • 18 – 20 Family Workshop I
  • 27 Easter


  • 1 – 3 Family Workshop II
  • 6 – 10 Mothers' Federation I-II-III-IV
  • 15 – 17 Workshop Mothers & Married Women (English)
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration


  • 15 Pilgrimage Day Dioceses of Corpus Christi & Laredo
  • 22 Pilgrimage Day Diocese of Brownsville
  • 25-29 Mothers’ Federation Course VI


  • 4 Midterm Leaders' Convention (San Antonio) 11 am – 3 pm
  • 9 – 12 Family Federation Course IV
  • 8 – 12 Mothers' Federation Course V
  • 13 – 15 Schoenstatt Young Women
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration,
  • 20 – 23 Girls’ Youth - High School
  • 24 – 26 Girls’ Youth - Elementary School


  • 8 Fr. Kentenich's Footsteps Pilgrimage (Corpus Christi) 5:30 PM Holy Mass
  • 9 – 10 Boys' Walk to the Confidentia Shrine
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration


  • 5 – 7 Fortalecimiento Matrimonial/ Marriage Strengthening
  • 13 SRC State Team Workshop
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration
  • 19 – 21 Mothers' Leaders' Training Workshop
  • 26 – 28 Mothers’ Federation Course VI


  • 2 – 4 Workshop for Mothers (English)
  • 9 – 11 Workshop Mothers & Married Women (Spanish)
  • 14 Anniversary Celebration of Fr. Kentenich’s Death Holy Mass 7:00 p.m.
  • 16 – 18 Retreat for Married Couples (Spanish)
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration


  • 7 - 9 Delegates' Convention
  • 18 Celebration of Schoenstatt's Founding Holy Mass 7:00 p.m.
  • 23 October Day of the Schoenstatt Family


  • 4 – 6 Single Women's Retreat
  • 6 Covenant of Love Program for the SRC (11:00 Talk / 12:00 Holy Mass)
  • 10 - 13 Family Federation Course III
  • 12 - 13 Mothers' Federation I - II- III- IV
  • 18 Covenant Day Celebration,
  • 18 - 20 High school Girls' Advent Retreat


  • 2 – 4 Men's Retreat
  • 18 Christmas Celebration including Covenant renewal 2 p.m.
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“Take this picture of the Blessed Mother and give it a place of honor in your home. Then your home will become a little shrine in which the picture of grace will mediate many graces, create a holy family atmosphere, and form holy family members.”

-Father Joseph Kentenich,
Founder of Schoenstatt
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