Schoenstatt Family of North Texas

The latest news on what's happening at Schoenstatt.

Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's Parish in Coppell- 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's Parish in Coppell- 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

The Schoenstatt Mothers of St. Ann's hosted a celebration marking the 10 year anniversary of the "Streams of Love" Wayside Shrine at St. Ann's. Members from the Mothers' and Family Branch and St. Ann's Parish came together for devotion, song and blessing. The devotion was led by Father Francisco Orozco from St. Ann's and Patricia Bowlin from the Mothers' Branch.

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Garden at Wayside Shrine at St Gabriel the Archangel

Article written by Laura Schuckenbroc, Mothers Branch leader at St. Gabriel the Archangel

b2ap3_thumbnail_Image-1-2.jpgI was sitting with Blessed Mother by Her little Wayside shrine of the Annunciation at St Gabriel, one morning after daily mass and rosary in March.  I looked at Her and said: "Blessed Mother, we love you so much and this little garden does not reflect all the love we have for you here at St Gabriel."  What would you like dear Mother, inspire me, and I will do it. Dear Father and Founder, you were always good at knowing God's wishes and doing God's will, please pray that we can give our Mother here in this little shrine a beautiful garden.  Tell me how to go about.

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“Take this picture of the Blessed Mother and give it a place of honor in your home. Then your home will become a little shrine in which the picture of grace will mediate many graces, create a holy family atmosphere, and form holy family members.”

-Father Joseph Kentenich,
Founder of Schoenstatt
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